
« It is a strange thing how little in general people know about the sky. It is the part of creation in which nature has done more for the sake of pleasing man, more for the sole and evident purpose of talking to him and teaching him, than in any other of her works, and it is just the part in which we least attend to her. There are not many of her other works in which some more material or essential purpose than the mere pleasing of man is not answered by every part of their organization... » 

- John Ruskin (English Author 1819-1900)

The Sky's the Limit

Much under appreciated, clouds are one of my favorite random photo subjects. You never know when, over the course of a day, clouds may line up in just the right way for a good looking photograph.

« The sky calls to us. If we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars. » 

- Carl Sagan (American Scientist 1934-1996)

« Look up to the sky

You'll never find rainbows

If you’re looking down. » 

- Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin (British Comedian 1889–1977)

« We on Earth have just awakened to the great oceans of space and time from which we have emerged. » 

- Carl Sagan (American Scientist 1934-1996)

« We are star stuff, which has taken its destiny into its own hands. » 

- Carl Sagan (American Scientist 1934-1996)

« As the ancient myth makers knew, we are children equally of the earth and the sky. » 

- Carl Sagan (American Scientist 1934-1996)